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New column! On View Now

What better way to kick off this first day of July than with a new column (one of two, in fact)? We are pleased to introduce On View Now.

Written by Max Weintraub, On View Now explores recent developments in and issues central to contemporary art practice and theory, focusing on artwork at the intersection of traditional histories of arts, mass media and everyday life.  Addressing a broad range of aesthetic strategies and theoretical frameworks, On View Now attends to such themes as the nature of representation, the implications of art’s transformation into mass culture, and issues of identity in a rapidly changing world. Each month, On View Now will explore these and related issues in contemporary visual culture from around the globe, with particular attention paid to what’s on view in the New York art scene. It publishes the first Thursday of the month.

A guest blogger alum from last September, Max Weintraub received his Ph.D. in the History of Art from Bryn Mawr College in 2006, where he completed his dissertation on the art of Bruce Nauman. Max has has worked in curatorial and educational departments at the Denver Art Museum, The Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.  From 2006-2008, he was the curator of The Reis Collection of Modern & Contemporary Art in New York City. Presently, Max is an adjunct professor in the Department of the History of Art at Hunter College in New York City, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on modern and contemporary art.

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