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What To Do, What To Do

“Book of Lists,” by Elena Bouvier. Image provided by the artist.

I hit a wall somewhere in the last few weeks. Between the federal government cutting a lot of aid to graduate students and signing a rental agreement in South Philly, something snapped. I can’t quite put my finger on it but, after my first departmental critique of the year I realized something: my stomach wasn’t in knots anymore.

Maybe my stress levels hit critical mass and, like my anxiety over mounting loan debt, I simply moved it all to the back of my mind. It’s still waiting there but for now I’ve regained my ability to smile into the wind.

I’ve done a lot of hard thinking at this point in my graduate education on what’s next. It’s realistic to say that I’m not going to have a job by August, three months after graduation (though I’ll be trying for one the entire time). So, here’s a list of things artists do to get by, get through, and to just get to creating.

“Laboratoire,” rouleaux art by Anastassia Elias. Image from artist’s website.

When asking various artist friends what they do to continue creating despite all odds, the most common response was to use what you already have. Even if it’s just using your phone and face grease. Turn to your friends for inspiration, support, and most importantly: deadlines. Go through the cache of supplies you’ve hoarded because now is the time to use them. Still lacking the ability to create the way you really want to? Volunteer somewhere that will give you access to the resources you need.

Paper Cut a Day, artist unknown, from Artclash Collective’s 8th Annual Fun-A-Day show.

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