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The Walker Curates the News: 12.22.14

Renzo Martens at the Walker Art Center, 2013. Photo: Gene Pittman

Renzo Martens at the Walker Art Center, 2013. Photo: Gene Pittman

Like Klaus Kinski in Fitzcarraldo, artist Renzo Martens wants to build an “extravagant and beautiful” arts center in the jungle, and next month he’ll begin to realize his five-year plan: he’s moving his family to the Democratic Republic of Congo to continue work with his Institute for Human Activities. It’s not a joke, he says: “I mean, it’s funny to call your programme a central African gentrification programme, but I’m basically putting a white cube in the forest to see what it does.” As The Guardian‘s Stuart Jeffries writes, he imagines that Congolese artists will sip cappuccinos in the jungle “while discussing, say, critical strategies in contemporary art practice, just as they do in Shoreditch and Brooklyn.”

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