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This Week in Art: 12.26-1.1

Sarah Sze. Blueprint for a Landscape, 2016. Immersive installation at the new 96th Street subway station. Photo courtesy of MTA.

Sarah Sze. Blueprint for a Landscape, 2016. Immersive installation at the new 96th Street subway station. Photo courtesy of MTA.

This week it was all about public installations for Art21 artists. Jenny Holzer’s text piece for the New York City AIDS memorial officially opened to the public. Located near the former St. Vincent’s hospital where a special ward opened for people with HIV in 1984, the piece is comprised of excerpts from Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself.”

Also this week, MTA released photographs of four immersive installations inside the new Second Avenue Subway system. The new trains will start running on January 1, and artists Chuck Close, Vik Muniz, Jean Shin, and Season 6’s Sarah Sze were each responsible for the art in four subsequent subway stations.

Also in art news this last week of 2016:

Events & exhibitions


San Marino, CA


St. Gallen, Switzerland

It’s impossible to include all the incredible exhibitions and art events happening this week in a single post. If there’s something you feel should have been included in today’s roundup, leave a comment below!

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