At what age is it appropriate to expose students to “difficult” works of art? Marcel Duchamp’s “Étant donnés” offers a case-in-point.
Artist Lisa Anne Auerbach spends a skill-building weekend spinning fiber, taking improv classes, and discharging weapons at close range.
L.A. artist Michael Parker built a large, mirrored, egg-shaped steam chamber that serves as an unlikely communal gathering spot.
What do artists look at for inspiration? L.A. artist Alyse Emdur seeks out images that humanize political struggle through self-empowerment.
Guest blogger Lisa Anne Auerbach visits Los Angeles artist Daniel Marlos, a photographer who makes quilts, gardens, and delicious Pirohi dumplings.
Lisa Anne Auerbach visits New Mexico State University, where she meets art students, stages a fiber Spin-in, and wonders who the ‘stroker girls’ are.
Lisa Anne Auerbach shares highlights from her recent trip to Chicago, including a memorable encounter with an iconic Mike Kelley piece.