Tag Archives: Education
Art21 Extended Play
Art21 Educator Joe Fusaro Teaching “Power” at Nyack High School
Art21 Extended Play
Art21 Educator Joe Fusaro Teaching “Power” at Nyack High School
Embarrassing as it is, this is the first video I’ve ever made. I am immersed in the world of film production each day, yet focused on the Education side of …
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Reflections on the Art21 Educators Institute
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Reflections on the Art21 Educators Institute
I’m sure everyone has had moments of blissful exhaustion- those times when you pushed yourself over a certain period, gotten to the end and said, “That was outstanding…. and I’m …
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Contemporary Art in Contemporary Classrooms: Art21 Educators 2009
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Contemporary Art in Contemporary Classrooms: Art21 Educators 2009
Starting today, Art21 is pleased to welcome K-12 teachers from across the country to participate in our first summer institute, Art21 Educators. Jessica Hamlin, Marc Mayer, Joy Lai (our amazing …
Flash Points
Arts Stimulus Funding & the Art Economy Part 2: Talking to the House Arts Caucus Co-Chairs
Flash Points
Arts Stimulus Funding & the Art Economy Part 2: Talking to the House Arts Caucus Co-Chairs
A few months ago, I went to the Bronx for a studio visit with an accomplished artist, John Fekner, whose personal brand of street graphics helped define a tumultuous era …
Flash Points
The value of didactic art and the gift economy—from object ownership to object affiliation
Flash Points
The value of didactic art and the gift economy—from object ownership to object affiliation
There is quite a tradition around visualizing information that reaches beyond the more familiar pie charts and quantifications used in science and commerce, dealing with the communication of complex thought …
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Wrestling with the Past: A TwCA 2008-2009 Roundup
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Wrestling with the Past: A TwCA 2008-2009 Roundup
It’s been quite a year. Quite an academic year, that is. Between the country voicing a collective NO to four more years of the same Bushed policies and Bernie Madoff …
Teaching with Contemporary Art
A Live Feed: Art21 Tweets Mark Bradford
Teaching with Contemporary Art
A Live Feed: Art21 Tweets Mark Bradford
Art21 is presenting at the National Art Education Association’s convention in Minneapolis. We are working with Mark Bradford at this year’s convention on a couple presentations as well as shooting …
Teaching with Contemporary Art
The Hope Hippos Head to NAEA
Teaching with Contemporary Art
The Hope Hippos Head to NAEA
Beginning this Friday morning, I will be joined by my equally energetic and optimistic colleagues, Jessica Hamlin and Marc Mayer, as we descend on the National Art Education Association’s Annual …
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Art21 Educators 2009-2010 – Apply Now!
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Art21 Educators 2009-2010 – Apply Now!
Art21 Educators: Contemporary Art in Contemporary Classrooms 2009-2010 Are you interested in contemporary art? Are you a K-12 art and/or media teacher? Do you teach in Los Angeles, Chicago, or …
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Teaching with Film, Teaching with Objects
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Teaching with Film, Teaching with Objects
Last week, it was my pleasure to begin working with the CCS Bard Hessel Museum at Bard College to initiate a three-part workshop series for teachers titled, Teaching and Learning …