Tag Archives: John Cage

Inventing the Future: Art and Technology

Inventing the Future: Art and Technology

In the 1960s, artists and engineers collaborated to push both fields forward through the nonprofit Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.). Now, a partnership between Bell Labs and NEW INC is reinstating the program with an artist residency.

Center Field: Art in the Middle

The Sensation of Un-thought Thoughts: An Interview with Simone Forti

Center Field: Art in the Middle

The Sensation of Un-thought Thoughts: An Interview with Simone Forti

Caroline Picard interviews experimental dancer, choreographer, and writer Simone Forti, who recently held a two-day workshop at Northwestern University entitled “Thinking with the Body.”

New Kids on the Block

Gina Siepel’s Listening Trips

New Kids on the Block

Gina Siepel’s Listening Trips

In July 2011, the artist Gina Siepel paddled down the Bronx River with four strangers. This series of excursions in the northernmost borough of New York City, along with four …

Behind Voids and Dissonance: Experimental Music of Fluxus and the Source Family

Behind Voids and Dissonance: Experimental Music of Fluxus and the Source Family

“Purge the world of bourgeois sickness, ‘intellectual,’ professional and commercialized culture; Purge the world of dead art, imitation, artificial art, abstract art, illusionistic art—PURGE THE WORLD OF ‘EUROPANISM!’” [1]. Written with …

Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.

Centerfield | An Interview with Terri Kapsalis

Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.

Centerfield | An Interview with Terri Kapsalis

Caroline Picard talks to Terri Kapsalis, an artist, performer and writer whose work investigates bodies, and the means by which conclusions about the body are drawn.

Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.

The Energetic Persistence of Water: An Interview with Mary Jane Jacob

Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.

The Energetic Persistence of Water: An Interview with Mary Jane Jacob

How might Buddhist frameworks help artists better understand the creative process, and art’s function in society?