Pepón Osorio, "Drowned in a Glass of Water," 2010. Photo credit: Charles Giuliano, berkshirefinearts.com.
This week in Roundup read about Pepón Osorio’s drowned art, Allora & Calzadilla getting shortlisted, Janine Antoni in motion, and a Hiroshi Sugimoto/James Turrell art counterpoint.
- Allora & Calzadilla are on the shortlist of artists to have their ideas selected for Trafalgar Square’s fourth plinth. The winning concept will take its place in Britain’s premier public art spot after Nelson’s Ship in a Bottle by Yinka Shonibare is taken down at the end of 2011. The latest proposals will be revealed in central London next month and the selected work will be announced in early 2011.
- Drowned in a Glass of Water, an installation created by Pepón Osorio was commissioned by the Williams College Museum of Art and is currently on display at 69 Union Street, North Adams, MA (a former Gateway Chevrolet Dealership) until September 7. It will then move to WCMA itself on Sept. 25.
- White Cube Hoxton Square (London) presents Kupferstichkabinett: Between Thought and Action. The exhibition looks at the “pivotal role of drawing in current practice, the exhibition features over 200 works on paper by some of the most significant artists working today” and includes the work of Bruce Nauman and Gabriel Orozco. The show closes August 28.
- Property developer Paddy McKillen’s new arts center at Chateau La Coste (France) will include structures designed by five of the world’s top architects and feature a complementary sculpture park that will include works from artists Louise Bourgeois, Richard Serra and James Turrell. As a work-in-progress, it could be 2011 before the art is finally in place at the new center.
- You still have a chance to see Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle’s project Gravity Is a Force to be Reckoned With at MASS MoCA. Manglano-Ovalle was inspired by Mies van der Rohe’s uncompleted House with Four Columns and his work is “constructed at approximately half scale and inverted, the ceiling of the original becoming the sculpture’s floor, the floor becoming the ceiling, and all interior elements such as Mies-designed furniture and partition walls installed upside down.” The exhibition closes on October 31.
- Jessica Stockholder’s Peer Out to See is on display at the Palacio de Cristal of the Reina Sofia Museum in Spain. Stockholder created a “large-scale, site-specific installation in which constructions and assemblages of different materials both define the space and gain a new life from the architectural context.” The show is open now until February 2011.
- fast forward 2. The Power of Motion is at the ZKM – Museum of Contemporary Art and shows a representative selection of new video/media art acquisitions. The exhibition aims to “examine movement and acceleration, but also the potential for deceleration” and features the work of Janine Antoni. The exhibition will close on October 3.
- Upcoming book Of What One Cannot Speak: Doris Salcedo’s Political Art by Mieke Bal will lead readers into “intimate encounters with Doris Salcedo’s art, encouraging us to consider each work as a “theoretical object” that invites—and demands—certain kinds of considerations about history, death, erasure, and grief.” The Salcedo art book will go on sale in December 2010.
- The Hirshhorn Museum recently installed pieces by artists Hiroshi Sugimoto and James Turrell, among others, from their permanent collection. On display in separate exhibits these works present monochromatic art as a counterpoint to color-based forms. Sugimoto’s work creates “quiet synergy” and “explores concepts of time, space and solitude, while highlighting the formal and conceptual interplay between cinema and photography.” Turrell’s work shows a “mesmerizing blend of color and abstract form.” The exhibition(s) will close in early January 2011.
- Koplin Del Rio Gallery presents Hangin’ Together, a exhibition that is guest curated by Kerry James Marshall and features contemporary artists who incorporate strong themes of social commentary and multimedia into their work.
- Marlborough Gallery presents Grass Grows by Itself, including the art of Mark Bradford and Richard Tuttle among work by several artists. Bradford and Tuttle each “incorporate properties of cultural detritus and ephemera to reposition loss, possibility and chance.” This exhibition is on view until September 9.
- SFMOMA presents Calder to Warhol: Introducing the Fisher Collection, a collection of more than 650 paintings, sculptures, video installations and other works, plus 429 prints. The exhibition includes work by Martin Puryear and will close on September 19.