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Barbara Kruger: Picture/Readings

An exhibition by Season 1 featured artist Barbara Kruger is on view at Mary Boone Gallery, New York . The exhibition entitled Picture/Readings, is a collection of works from 1978, which reflect that era’s captivation with photography as forthright, conceptual ideology, and feminist consciousness. Hence the Picture/Readings presage the iconic photo/text works for which Kruger would become known.

In these stark early works, Kruger places a single image alongside a panel of text. The photographs, shot by the artist in California and Florida, depict from a passersby viewpoint, unremarkable details; windows, corners, gables, roof overhangs, of residential architecture. The occasional intrusion of a palm or other tropical vegetation provides the only sense of place. Equally detached in its casual typewritten appearance and tone is the accompanying text: Kruger has written a narrative which recounts the incidental urgencies and activities of the buildings’ imagined inhabitants. The Picture/Readings posit that by looking Рthe province of photography Рrichly varied internal spaces may be revealed.

Mary Boone Gallery
745 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10151
The exhibition will run through December 22.

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