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Mike Kelley, “A Dance Incorporating Movements Derived From Experiments Of Harry F. Harlow and choreographed in the manner of Martha Graham (video still)

Chez Bushwick, an organization based in Brooklyn, has launched a new art and performance series called CAKE. The weekly program offers “carte blanche” to an individual artist to present new work and ideas of his or her choosing. The program is designed to challenge the status-quo of performance presentation by questioning the conventional roles played by artists, producers, and audience members in public arts programming.

Two videos featuring Season 3 artist Mike Kelley will screen tomorrow, January 31: Pole Dance (1997), a collaboration between Kelley, Tony Oursler, and Anita Pace; and A Dance Incorporating Movements Derived From Experiments Of Harry F. Harlow and Choreographed in the Manner of Martha Graham (1999). The event begins at 7pm.

Unfortunately, there are no signs of actual cake at this event. has informed me that restaurants in the neighborhood have “a terrible selection of desserts,” though recommends the neighborhood’s Life Cafe for a “decent” treat following Chez Bushwick’s event. Click here for directions.

Chez Bushwick is located at 304 Boerum St., buzzer #11 (map).

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