Detail of "Cookin" by Greg Brown of Whitney Hopter Graphics
Hungry for some art? You haven’t missed out. It’s been marinating here all week! For your dining pleasure, stay awhile, there’s always something to share at this table.
- Merce Cunningham, you are loved and remembered.
- Along with Wes Miller, we met up with Season 5 artist Cao Fei and her avatar China Tracy. Get a sneak peek into the Season 5 Fantasy episode here.
- What do Jeff Koons and Ferris Bueller have in common? Ben Street writes to us from London.
- Art21 artists, what are you up to? Trong—thanks for the update!
In Flash Points:
- Does art expand our ability to imagine? Guest blogger, Adrian Duran, says “Yes, but no, but yeah, but…” and Jonathan Munar, in his new column, “Art 2.1: Creating on the Social Web,” explores the possibilities of virtual worlds, with some compelling insight from the writer and producer of the documentary, Second Skin, Victor Pinero. Stay plugged for Part II of this interview next week!
- Do artists have a social responsibility? Questions arise in consideration of contemporary art and cultural programming at St. John’s Cathedral. …Want to know more…?
- Joe Fusaro steps back after a solid week of work at the first annual Art21 Art Educators Institute. Sit tight ’till next Wednesday, when he will bring you another addition to his column “Teaching with Contemporary Art.”
Hey, are you into vintage? Check out this week’s BOMB contribution, a 2002 interview with Constant, first published in Issue 91 (1995). Cao Fei inspires aesthetic connections…
Step Inside the Artists Studio : Georgia Kotretsos talks with Brooklyn – based artist Jason Peters.
Adrian Duran, currently in St. Louis Missouri, asks the question: What is the value of approximation in relationship to curating?
Jonathan Munar kicks off the weekend with a new Art21 Video Exclusive featuring Laylah Ali.