"Sea lions in the Palamino Islands." Source: Guardian.co.uk
Water, water, everywhere! Ever-changing and ever-constant, see a glimpse into Roni Horn’s vast exploration of this traveling landscape in this weeks Art:21 Video Exclusive.
- Her art was suffused with [a] very human hope, which she saw as being grounded in the intractability of human struggle. Her work was never crudely utopian—as she told me, “utopia, like heaven, is kind of boring…” EVER SPERO
- What do you want to know about Art21? Ask us.
- To Biennial or Not to Biennial? Notes by Kelly Huang
- $5 for Season Five! You help to make what we do possible. You can donate here.
- Another Kick in the Pants – Teaching with Contemporary Art, Joe Fusaro, and TED.com
- FLASH POINTs : Rachel Craft, NEW Flash Points Editor introduces the topic, Art and the Environment
- Center of the Artworld? Artist Glenn Ligon shares his thoughts.
- Art21 artists track the world. Round ‘em up Nicole!
- DAZZING – -See it! In addition, William Kentridge will perform I am Not Me, the Horse is Not Mine
- PROMPT: A Conceptual Social Club, under the influence by the Futurist Variety Theatre. Participants include Mark Dion among many others.
- DARKLY FUNNY: The Day is Done Judson Church Dance by Mike Kelley
Tuesday November 17 – Thursday, November 19 at 8pm and 10pm - UNPREDICATABLE: physicality, dance and ACTION. It’s part of 3-Day Weekend, a performance piece directed by Oliver Herring. Friday, November 20, 6:30-8:30pm, Saturday, November 21, 3-5pm, and Sunday November 22, 3-6pm
Still hungry? Stay tuned.

Source: Vallatra-Adventures.com