"Emily and Rishi crawl in the grass", Source: https://photos.ellen.warnerbros.com/galleries/cute_pictures
Have you ever …
…wanted to live on an island? Andrea Zittel did …so she’s making one! If you are in Indianapolis, visit the IMA and meet the “park ranger” living on Zittel’s island. Hopefully he will invite you aboard and show you around! Meanwhile, check out this interview with Andrea Zittel by Richard McCoy.
…flown over the Grand Canyon? Re-visit David Copperfield’s and float across with artist and new (!) guest blogger Karthik Pandian in this first installament (ie Journal #1) of a series of posts involving a straight-up escavation of his journey from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon. YouTube is Karthik’s co-pilot.
…found some slug eggs, made the light bulb light up, got a microscope to focus, harvested a tomato, nurtured a seed? Joe Fusaro Interviews Abbe Futterman, former graduate of Pratt Institute now science teacher at the Earth School about the importance of drawing and scientific illustration as a unique way of exploring the world. According to Abbe “Discovery that is the result of an imaginative act– one’s own “wonderful idea”– is a powerful thing. I believe that when children experience their own agency in this way, they learn that they can change the world…”
…been an archivist at a museum? Read about the importance of conservation and exploration of different roles in archiving from someone knowledgeable in the position of caring for art at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Richard McCoy interviews former Associate Curator from the IMA, Rebecca Uchill.
…thought about how sports, the human body, GAP t-shirts, and MLK day can all come together? Nicole Rounds Them Up!
…painted yourself blue and gone to the movies? In this week’s Letter from London Ben Street thinks about the psychological effects that the film Avatar has had on some people as well as the film’s vibrant fan base. How does this cinematic explosion fall into place in the context of art history?
…aughta, coulda, shoulda made that list? It’s better late then never. Check out this post looking back on the decade with no name with these Art21 Bloggers 2009 Round Up up “art- things remembered”.
…enjoyed a trivia night with Art21? Come one come all to Culture Wars (!) a NEW trivia event inspired by contemporary art and the culture of our time presented by Art21 and 92YTribeca
…wondered about the mechanics behind the functioning of a robot? In this VIDEO EXCLUSIVE Animatronic Designer Jon Dawe reveals the process behind the robotic creature effects in artist Paul McCarthy’s sculpture Bush and Pig.
There’s been a lot Cookin’ at Art21 this past week!