Marina Abramović, “The Hero”, 2001
Video; 14 minutes 19 seconds
Courtesy the Marina Abramović Archives and Sean Kelly Gallery, New York
One last reminder: There are less than two weeks left to apply for year five of Art21 Educators. Join us for this yearlong professional development experience that begins with a unique and inspiring week in New York City this summer, followed by collaborative work and support from Art21 and new colleagues throughout the 2013-2014 school year.
If you are a K-12 teacher interested in learning more about contemporary art and teaching with contemporary art in your classroom, Art21 Educators is for you. You will have the opportunity to explore ways to enhance your curriculum, visit and talk with Art21 artists, see some beautiful exhibitions, and enjoy a variety of Art21 films…and that’s just our first week together.
To get your application rolling, simply click here. We look forward to meeting you this summer!