“Sometimes the exotic can be right in front of you.”1
—Kehinde Wiley
“In this photograph you are lion-like, toothless, fraudulent.”2
—Uniglory, Jen Hofer
“wide ranging large carnivores like this bear are particularly vulnerable to becoming road kill.”3
“knock on wood I’ve never seen a Game Warden”
—Anonymous Exotic Animal Dealer
Di a ontiman si a tigri, a lon teki en gon,
dan a sutu a tigri kiri.
1 like an ill manila ts’i’iimosquito yellow jacket bumble taser justified pounce on the not again pleasantry of buffalo antelope & wildebeest no persecution plain clothed weave about chokeholds specter of an eye out of orbit the hand of father reaches towards the heavenly chaplain for a loosie the traffic of street sport makes Call of Duty a shielded hunger for warrants & arrests knock & announce such a handsome wunderkind how you carry yourself how you exist Oakland panther Simba of Tulsa you yield my quota Mighty Joe Young the livestock auction shuts down online the unbecoming conduct of a predator reflects onto the caricatured carriage homebound on platforms suspect zhiniiblack hide is by birth concealed arsenal often claret dusted sclera admits too much umber must never be mistaken for Bambi
When the hunter saw the jaguar,
he ran for his gun and shot the jaguar dead.
2 jurisdiction on the isle of malign w/ gendarmerie blue offers a weekend getaway far beyond ranches in Texas or cells on Rikers you my dearest gravy Zebra irresistible European badger no hostile Congolese honey fallen on enforced sword by the city of St. Louis Christ you are a remarkable creature aging poached rhino in a hoodie saintly you are bejeweled wallaby sometimes the gamers’ caravan does not want the meat they prefer to mount the head in mugshots Oh if only I could stuff you
Yu mus leri a pikin fu luku bun fosi a e koti strati abra.
3 in passage just a minor cabin incursion hazard just easier to separate the head pummel a fist into a feminine version nihimáour mother becomes blue-tugee island make way for stray puppies to clean the ground insatiable mutts drink a cruor that is opulent & profound they understand little difference between yours & a brush tail possum arresting brown boy laying in the unsullied cutgrass comply or canoodle pavement
You need to teach the child to look carefully
before crossing the street.