Second graders create “Mind Maps” in Shannah Burton‘s class. Photo courtesy of Art21 Educator Shannah Burton on Instagram.
With the forthcoming launch of our May / June issue here on the magazine (online tomorrow!), we wanted to announce a slight adjustment to our editorial program. Since 2014, we have invited a Writer-in-Residence to contribute two articles to each issue, but with the May / June issue that role is transitioning to an Educator-in-Residence. Each issue will now serve as a platform for one of the dedicated teachers from the Art21 Educators community to share their expertise on the dynamic intersection of art and education.
We’ve been experimenting with this program’s potential through our monthly Educator Spotlights, and now with each issue we’re inviting an Educator-in-Residence to contribute lesson plans and thoughts from the classroom in relation to the issue’s theme. Our first Educator-in-Residence couldn’t be a better fit for the theme of our upcoming issue: “Rust.” Tricia Fitzpatrick teaches science to 9th through 12th graders at Cawthra Park Secondary School in Mississauga, Ontario. She collaborates with our first spotlighted Art21 Educator, Don Ball, to uncover the places where art and science converge in the classroom.
Keep an eye out for her spotlight interview, coming to the magazine this afternoon!