Articles by Jack Watson

Strategies & Resources

Bad Art

Strategies & Resources

Bad Art

Art21 Educator Jack Watson shares a creativity exercise that asks students to make “bad art” as a way to allow for experimentation and playful collaboration.

Strategies & Resources

Unit Plan: Layering Experience

Strategies & Resources

Unit Plan: Layering Experience

Art21 Educator Jack Watson shares a unit plan that encourages students to find their own methods of exploring shared experiences and spaces.

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Art + Action: Creating a Platform for Social Justice

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Art + Action: Creating a Platform for Social Justice

Art21 Educator Jack Watson shares his recent experience with launching a social justice collective at his high school in Durham, North Carolina.

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Getting Beyond Good and Bad

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Getting Beyond Good and Bad

Art21 Educator Jack Watson on teaching students to delay judgement, and the “balancing act” involved in evaluating art.

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Works Well With Others

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Works Well With Others

Guest blogger Jack Watson asks what would happen if art teachers stopped showing students “how to work and started modeling how to work with others?”