Writer-in-Residence Zachary Small uncovers the psychological implications of Beverly Fishman’s brightly colored pill-paintings that explore the consequences of an unchecked medical industry.
Writer-in-Residence Rachel Valinsky uncovers the diversification of artistic production explored in the exhibition “The Visible Hand,” on view through February 15, 2017 at CUE Art Foundation.
A look at this week’s art news, including a new public sculpture by Yinka Shonibare MBE (RA) in Nigeria, and events and exhibitions everywhere from Miami to London.
A look at this week’s art news, including Laurie Simmons’ new film “My Art,” and events and exhibitions everywhere from Detroit to Dallas.
Jared Quinton reviews two exhibitions on view in New York: “Art AIDS America” at the Bronx Museum and “Nan Goldin: The Ballad of Sexual Dependency” at MoMA.