Still from the film the Godfather; Source: Guardian.co.uk
Pssst…! Here’s what’s been going on these past days at Art21…
- Kimsooja | “A Beggar Woman” & “A Homeless Woman”
- Yinka Shonibare MBE | Being an Artist
- Feed that brain with some more thinking food (!) Cecilia Novero on Franza Kafka, the anti-diet, notions of progress and much much more… Check out her new book.
- Round Up: Art21 artists play with fire, sign new books, design stained glass, collage basketballs, create new films, and pop up in Miami Beach exhibitions.
- Electrical Forrest : A Monument to the Community of Troy New York the Silicon Valley of the 19th century
- Flashpoints: How does art respond to and redefine the natural world?
- Blogalogueing with EcoArt Tech
- Tweet! Tweet ! An interview with Kristin Lucas
- For more info about Kristin and her work check out the other posts in Nicole Sansome’s journey into the virtual world and the collaborative artists she meets there – Echo Art Tech and the E Team:
- Part 1 About Echo Art Tech
- Part 2: About E Team
- Part 3; More with Krisin Lucas
- ETEAM| Unite in this Virtual World
- ETeam Reflections…An existential nihilistic crisis…
- Looking at Los Angeles: Catherine Wagley is thankful for senseless art with guts
- Power. Teaching with Contemporary Art. Share Here.
- Supplies Help Make the Classroom Functional: If the Shoe Fits Pay for It
- New Column!!! Art2.1 Creating on the Social Web
- Virtual Artists’ Immersive Discoveries in a Virtual 3D Frontier
- Letter from London: Remember, Remember… Ben Street reflects on some art that sticks and other art that doesn’t have as much grab. Art needs oxygen! How is art (not) confined to present tense experience of being in a gallery?
- Exploring the Makeshift Landscape. Photographer Eirik Johnson writes about his ongoing exploration of humankind’s environmental impact.
- Julia Walker fears Sustainable Architecture is in danger. Check out her post Style vs. Substance
- Inside the Artist’s Studio: Lisa Bradley
- Making It Happen with “Email Balls”