As we say goodbye (but never farewell) to Daniel Fuller for his extensive posts on museums living beyond their means, art hopping in Athens & Venice, a love letter to a curious museum in Philadelphia, an interview with a member of Red76, and a look at Triple Candie’s Maurizio Cattelan is Dead: Life and Work, 1960 – 2009 pseudo-memorial exhibit, we welcome a new blogger-in-residence to Art21…ladies and gentleman, introducing Quinn Latimer.
Latimer is a poet and critic based in Basel, Switzerland. She writes regularly about contemporary art and literature for numerous magazines, including Art on Paper, Artnews, Bookforum, Frieze, and Modern Painters. Her poetry has appeared in Boston Review, The Paris Review, and Prairie Schooner, among other journals, and in the anthology Best New Poets 2006.
Most recently, she was an associate editor at Modern Painters magazine in New York; previously, she did editorial time at American Letters & Commentary, Parnassus: Poetry in Review, and Columbia: A Journal of Literature & Art.
Latimer earned her B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College and her M.F.A. from Columbia University. She is currently finishing her first collection of poems. She has a small Chihuahua named Paul Celan.
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