Columns & Features
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Uncovering Works of Art
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Uncovering Works of Art
Monday evening I had the pleasure of participating in a dynamite online conversation with our current group of Art21 Educators. We decided, based on some requests we received recently, to spend a little time actually looking at art together.
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment | Swimsuits and Ibiza: Lessons from Bob and Joni
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment | Swimsuits and Ibiza: Lessons from Bob and Joni
Does it still make sense to divide art-making into distinct genres? A look at Joni Mitchell, Robert Irwin, and other artists who actively resist labels and categorization.
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Building Trust On The Way In
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Building Trust On The Way In
Starting off each new school year, one of my biggest concerns in the first few weeks is getting to know my students better in order to build trust. Without trust students will not take the risks necessary to break free from the habitual and try new things, which teaching with contemporary art will ultimately call for.
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Ideas With Legs
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Ideas With Legs
Because I so love questions and quotes, and use them in my own teaching to get students thinking about process, predetermined notions about contemporary art and even prejudices, this week I wanted to offer three dynamite thoughts to get students thinking out of the gate…
5 Questions for Contemporary Practice
5 Questions for Contemporary Practice with Doug Ashford
5 Questions for Contemporary Practice
5 Questions for Contemporary Practice with Doug Ashford
Thom Donovan interviews Doug Ashford, who is widely known for his work with Group Material during the period 1983-1996.
Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.
Centerfield | Embodying the Disembodied: Leif Elggren at LAMPO
Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.
Centerfield | Embodying the Disembodied: Leif Elggren at LAMPO
Caroline Picard shares her observations on Leif Elggren’s performance at the Graham Foundation (presented by LAMPO) last fall.
No Preservatives: Conversations about Conservation
No Preservatives | Restored and Renewed: Milton Glaser’s 1975 Artwork, “Color Fuses”
No Preservatives: Conversations about Conservation
No Preservatives | Restored and Renewed: Milton Glaser’s 1975 Artwork, “Color Fuses”
Mitlon Glaser’s 1975 art installation in Indianapolis, “Color Fuses,” recently underwent a dramatic restoration and can now be seen as the artist originally intended.
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Teaching with New York Close Up: David Brooks Tears The Roof Off
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Teaching with New York Close Up: David Brooks Tears The Roof Off
David Brooks Tears The Roof Off is an apt title for one of our most recent New York Close Up films this summer. Within the first 60 seconds of a …
Looking at Los Angeles
Looking at Los Angeles | Anna Piaggi and the Summer One-Off
Looking at Los Angeles
Looking at Los Angeles | Anna Piaggi and the Summer One-Off
The writer and fashion icon Anna Piaggi, who died this week at 81, serves as a reminder that in art, as life, one-off gestures are often the most memorable ones.
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Kids on the Beach?
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Kids on the Beach?
There are times when you just have to sit for a while in order to experience a show… and sometimes you get lucky and there are also benches in the picture. I got lucky on steamy summer day and both elements came together for a recent visit to Rineke Dijkstra’s retrospective at the Guggenheim, on view through October 8th.
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment | Internships and the Graduate Student
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment | Internships and the Graduate Student
Jenn Pascoe talks to Denise Carbone, head conservator at the American Philosophical Society, about graduate internships and their value for young professionals.
Transmission | An Interview with Faith Coloccia: Sympathetic Magic, Visual Scores, Archives and Memory
Transmission | An Interview with Faith Coloccia: Sympathetic Magic, Visual Scores, Archives and Memory
Amelia Ishmael talks to artist Faith Coloccia about her photography, mixed-media album works and her musical project Mamiffer.
Bedfellows: Art and Visual Culture
Inside the Artist's Studio
Inside the Artist’s Studio: Leeza Ahmady (Part 2)
Bedfellows: Art and Visual Culture
Inside the Artist's Studio
Inside the Artist’s Studio: Leeza Ahmady (Part 2)
Part 2 of Georgia Kotretsos’ interview with independent curator Leeza Ahmady, the director of Asian Contemporary Art Week in New York.
Ink: Notes on the Contemporary Print
Ink | Seriously Printeresting: An Interview with the Founders
Ink: Notes on the Contemporary Print
Ink | Seriously Printeresting: An Interview with the Founders
Sarah Kirk Hanley talks to the founders of Printeresting, a blog devoted to the art of printmaking and to printmaking miscellany.
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Summer Talk
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Summer Talk
For as long as I can remember, interviews like those featured in Bomb, Harpers and Art in America have inspired me to reevaluate the kinds of things I assume in my own teaching and art making. Divergent perspectives, or perspectives that are close to my own but unfamiliar in some ways, have provided me with more than just stunning quotes to share with my students and ideas to meditate on in the studio. I find myself underlining, highlighting, bookmarking pages and sticking post-its all over the place (a well-loved book in my library looks like it’s been through hell and back).