Columns & Features

Teaching with Contemporary Art

So, Three Thousand Art Educators Walk Into a Room….

Teaching with Contemporary Art

So, Three Thousand Art Educators Walk Into a Room….

From March 1st through March 4th the National Art Education Association holds their annual conference right here in New York City. Over 3,000 art educators from all levels have the opportunity to attend hundreds upon hundreds of workshops offered by colleagues from close to everywhere across the country.
Here at Art21, we have a few very special things planned….

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment | Calling All Art History Survey Teachers

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment | Calling All Art History Survey Teachers

Michelle Jubin is developing an online, peer-populated platform for sharing resources for teaching the art history survey, and asks readers for their input.

Bound: The Printed Object in Context

Bound | Exhibition Pamphlets

Bound: The Printed Object in Context

Bound | Exhibition Pamphlets

Meg Onli delves into her extensive collection of exhibition brochures to show how a well-designed pamphlet can change the way visitors interact with exhibitions.

Gimme Shelter: Performance Now

Gimme Shelter | APAP 2012: Time Is Empty and Everything Is Real

Gimme Shelter: Performance Now

Gimme Shelter | APAP 2012: Time Is Empty and Everything Is Real

Perel reports on four highlight performances from the Association of Performing Arts Presenters Conference that took place January 6-10, 2012.

On View Now

On View Now | Damien Hirst’s Spot Paintings and the “Joy of Color”

On View Now

On View Now | Damien Hirst’s Spot Paintings and the “Joy of Color”

Max Weintraub argues that Gagosian Gallery’s exhibition provides convincing evidence that Damien Hirst is indeed an extraordinary colorist.

Lives and Works in Berlin

Lives and Works in Berlin | The Mystery of Anna Pavlova

Lives and Works in Berlin

Lives and Works in Berlin | The Mystery of Anna Pavlova

Ali Fitzgerald reviews Theo Solnik’s 2011 film “Anna Pavlova Lives in Berlin,” a nuanced portrait of the poetic and aggressive “Russian party queen” of the same iconic name.

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Transformation and Distortion

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Transformation and Distortion

Two of my classes begin a new unit where students are asked to work with the themes of distortion and transformation. Especially for teens, the idea of transformation- of the self, objects, symbols, even the meaning of words- is an attractive proposal. Add the multiple implications associated with distortion and it becomes the kind of field day you really want in a classroom.

Open Enrollment

Cold Showers and Manic Transcendence: Cranbrook Students Talk Method

Open Enrollment

Cold Showers and Manic Transcendence: Cranbrook Students Talk Method

How do artists make the most of their time in the studio? Five Cranbrook grad students discuss their personal methodologies.

5 Questions for Contemporary Practice

5 Questions for Contemporary Practice with Claire Pentecost

5 Questions for Contemporary Practice

5 Questions for Contemporary Practice with Claire Pentecost

By taking on the role of “public amateur,” artist Claire Pentecost models an alternative approach to the way that Western cultures typically produce knowledge.

No Preservatives: Conversations about Conservation

No Preservatives | The Science and Ethics of Contemporary Art Conservation: A Discussion with Tom Learner

No Preservatives: Conversations about Conservation

No Preservatives | The Science and Ethics of Contemporary Art Conservation: A Discussion with Tom Learner

Richard McCoy talks to Tom Learner, senior scientist at the Getty Conservation Institute, whose career has spanned a number of important institutions and projects.

Queer Past/Queer Future: In Conversation

Queer Past/Queer Future: In Conversation

What can the Occupy movement learn from the history of HIV/AIDS activism? Ted Kerr’s “Questions for a Revolution” offers a starting point.

Cairo in Context: Art and Change in the Middle East

Cairo in Context | One Year Later: The Myth of Art in the Arab Spring

Cairo in Context: Art and Change in the Middle East

Cairo in Context | One Year Later: The Myth of Art in the Arab Spring

How does art function in times of conflict? This new column looks at art’s importance, and its political potential, in post-revolutionary Egypt.

Inside the Artist's Studio

Inside the Artist’s Studio | Abdellah Karroum

Inside the Artist's Studio

Inside the Artist’s Studio | Abdellah Karroum

Georgia Kotretsos talks to Abdellah Karroum, an independent curator who founded L’appartement 22, the first experimental art space in Rabat, Morocco.

Cairo in Context: Art and Change in the Middle East

New Column | Cairo in Context: Art and Change in the Middle East

Cairo in Context: Art and Change in the Middle East

New Column | Cairo in Context: Art and Change in the Middle East

The Art21 Blog debuts a new column focusing on the art scene in Cairo and the Middle East region.

Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.

Centerfield | Fielding Practice Podcast #11

Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.

Centerfield | Fielding Practice Podcast #11

This month’s podcast features a review of Cathy Wilkes’s Chicago exhibition and discussion of a greatly-exaggerated report of Damien Hirst’s demise.

Praxis Makes Perfect

Praxis Makes Perfect | You Teach Some, You Learn Some

Praxis Makes Perfect

Praxis Makes Perfect | You Teach Some, You Learn Some

In the post-graduate world, artist Jeffrey Songco discovers that good teachers come in many forms.

Looking at Los Angeles

Looking at Los Angeles | Andrea Fraser’s Men on the Line

Looking at Los Angeles

Looking at Los Angeles | Andrea Fraser’s Men on the Line

Responding to the legacy of the Woman’s Building, Fraser’s new performance revisits 1970s-era gender issues and evaluates feminism’s progress.

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Teaching with Contemporary Art in the Elementary Classroom

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Teaching with Contemporary Art in the Elementary Classroom

Julia CopperSmith and Maureen Hergott made some important points in last week’s interview and this week we take the opportunity to point out two of them regarding how teachers construct elementary art-making experiences and use documentation to influence their work.

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment | A Place to Call Home

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment | A Place to Call Home

What are some of the factors artists consider when deciding what city to live in?

Inspired Reading

Inspired Reading | Mauricio Ancalmo

Inspired Reading

Inspired Reading | Mauricio Ancalmo

San Francisco artist Mauricio Ancalmo discusses the books that have inspired his complex, multi-media sound and light pieces, including 2010’s “Monolithoscope.”


Gastro-Vision | Simone Leigh and the Fruits of Her Labor


Gastro-Vision | Simone Leigh and the Fruits of Her Labor

Leigh’s exhibition at The Kitchen uses iconographic food forms–watermelon, plantains–to make ironic reference to postcolonial cultural narratives.

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Talking with Art21 Educators: Julia CopperSmith and Maureen Hergott

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Talking with Art21 Educators: Julia CopperSmith and Maureen Hergott

This week I want to share a conversation that took place between myself and two of our current, amazing Art21 Educators. Julia CopperSmith and Maureen Hergott teach elementary art education for the Scott and Westdale Elementary Schools in Melrose Park near Chicago. Their work has been inspiring to all of us here at Art21, especially since they are finding ways to work with contemporary art and engage some very young students in the process.

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment | Nature and Nurture

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment | Nature and Nurture

A teaching assistantship with processing guru Daniel Shiffman provides food for thought as Antonius Wiriadjaja looks ahead to life after Tisch’s ITP program.

Flash Points

A Willing Girl

Flash Points

A Willing Girl

Still controversial today, Jeff Koons’s 1990s “Made in Heaven” photographs tap into cultural anxieties about pornography, art, and commerce.

Ink: Notes on the Contemporary Print

Ink | The Unabashedly Beautiful Prints of Helen Frankenthaler

Ink: Notes on the Contemporary Print

Ink | The Unabashedly Beautiful Prints of Helen Frankenthaler

The late Helen Frankenthaler’s contributions as a painter are renowned; Hanley argues that her achievements as a printmaker are equally important.

Looking at Los Angeles

Looking at Los Angeles | Dirty Laundry

Looking at Los Angeles

Looking at Los Angeles | Dirty Laundry

Suzanne Lacy’s performance “Three Weeks in January” reminds us that after all these years, sexual violence is still swept under the rug.

Praxis Makes Perfect

Praxis Makes Perfect | Draw the Devil from this Boy

Praxis Makes Perfect

Praxis Makes Perfect | Draw the Devil from this Boy

Traveling to India on a Fulbright scholarship, David MacLean woke up in a train station with no passport and no idea who he was. An excerpt from his forthcoming memoir.

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Join Us

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Join Us

Besides kicking off season 6 of Art in the Twenty-First Century in just a few months, Art21 Educators is gearing up for year 4, which starts this July in New York City.

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment | Joel Sternfeld’s Pictures

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment | Joel Sternfeld’s Pictures

Michelle Jubin looks at Joel Sternfeld’s “First Pictures,” an exhibition of four photographic series made between 1971 and 1980.

Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.

Centerfield | Ideas as Medium: An Interview with Laurie Palmer

Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.

Centerfield | Ideas as Medium: An Interview with Laurie Palmer

Caroline Picard talks to Chicago artist Laurie Palmer about collaborative practices, political action, and how we might save the world.

On View Now

On View Now | Experience Required: Carsten Höller at the New Museum

On View Now

On View Now | Experience Required: Carsten Höller at the New Museum

Höller’s provocative exhibition turns the art-going experience into an extreme sport.

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Working with Memory

Teaching with Contemporary Art

Working with Memory

Working with memory presents challenges, like many themes and ideas we choose to teach with, that are terribly difficult to get rolling without an organized, broad and juicy introduction. This week’s column explores how looking back can help with planning forward for better introductions to thematic units.

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment | A Community of Engaged Amateurs

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment | A Community of Engaged Amateurs

In grad school, the inspiration that our fellow students provide can be the greatest learning experience of all.

Open Enrollment

New Open Enrollment Blogger: Kelsey Elisabeth Nelson

Open Enrollment

New Open Enrollment Blogger: Kelsey Elisabeth Nelson

Meet our newest Open Enrollment blogger, a second-year grad student in the Art Education program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Bedfellows: Art and Visual Culture

Bedfellows | Blackout

Bedfellows: Art and Visual Culture

Bedfellows | Blackout

Can a photograph stand in for an experience we had, but don’t recall? Victoria Gannon on the aesthetics of intoxication.

Bound: The Printed Object in Context

Bound | Art Talk AM on the Radio

Bound: The Printed Object in Context

Bound | Art Talk AM on the Radio

Meg Onli reviews a volume archiving the radio conversations held between artists and a student at Portland State University’s Art and Social Practice program.