Columns & Features
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Balancing Skill-Building and the Formation of Ideas
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Balancing Skill-Building and the Formation of Ideas
Finding a balance between teaching specific skills and techniques with teaching about how to explore process in order to form and pursue ideas is not easy. If you teach in a culture (or department, or school, or district, or university…) that emphasizes skills and techniques as the “meat” of the curriculum, it’s probably a good idea to begin talking about the kinds of skills that everyone really considers “essential”.
Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.
Centerfield | Fielding Practice Podcast #13: “Feast” (or Famine?)
Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.
Centerfield | Fielding Practice Podcast #13: “Feast” (or Famine?)
This month’s podcast from Bad at Sports features a review of the exhibition “Feast” at the Smart Museum of Art.
Lives and Works in Berlin
Lives and Works in Berlin | Brenna Murphy and the Future
Lives and Works in Berlin
Lives and Works in Berlin | Brenna Murphy and the Future
Ali Fitzgerald looks at the digital prints, videos and installations of Brenna Murphy, whose works are both painterly and otherworldly.
Looking at Los Angeles
Looking at Los Angeles | A Wonderland That Wasn’t Meant to Be
Looking at Los Angeles
Looking at Los Angeles | A Wonderland That Wasn’t Meant to Be
Catherine Wagley reviews the group show “In Wonderland: The Surrealist Adventures of Women Artists in Mexico and the United States” on view now at LACMA.
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Slow Turn
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Slow Turn
On Sunday, the National Art Education Association wrapped up their 65th conference here in New York City and more than ever I am encouraged by the state of affairs at NAEA. In just the past four years, as Art21 has brought contemporary artists such as Mark Bradford, Carrie Mae Weems, Mark Dion and most recently, Janine Antoni and Oliver Herring, the change is noticeable.
Bedfellows: Art and Visual Culture
Bedfellows | Random! Jason Fulford and His Many Coincidences
Bedfellows: Art and Visual Culture
Bedfellows | Random! Jason Fulford and His Many Coincidences
Victoria Gannon considers the role that randomness plays in the photographs of Jason Fulford, and in her own life.
Ink: Notes on the Contemporary Print
Ink | The State of the Art is Elsewhere: “Print/Out” at The Museum of Modern Art
Ink: Notes on the Contemporary Print
Ink | The State of the Art is Elsewhere: “Print/Out” at The Museum of Modern Art
Sarah Kirk Hanley reviews a new MoMA exhibition surveying the state of the contemporary print medium.
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Talking with Janine Antoni and Getting Set for NAEA: Part Two
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Talking with Janine Antoni and Getting Set for NAEA: Part Two
Part two of my recent interview with Janine Antoni in advance of her keynote address and workshop at the National Art Education Association’s annual conference here in New York from March 1-4.
No Preservatives: Conversations about Conservation
No Preservatives | Looking Back to Nigeria: Ben Osaghae’s Critical Observations [Part III]
No Preservatives: Conversations about Conservation
No Preservatives | Looking Back to Nigeria: Ben Osaghae’s Critical Observations [Part III]
In this five-part series, Richard McCoy looks back on his recent trip to Nigeria through the lens of artists working in the area.
5 Questions for Contemporary Practice
5 Questions for Contemporary Practice with Andrea Geyer
5 Questions for Contemporary Practice
5 Questions for Contemporary Practice with Andrea Geyer
Thom Donovan talks with Andrea Geyer, whose 10-channel video installation “9 Scripts from a Nation at War” is currently on view at MoMA.
Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.
The Energetic Persistence of Water: An Interview with Mary Jane Jacob
Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.
The Energetic Persistence of Water: An Interview with Mary Jane Jacob
How might Buddhist frameworks help artists better understand the creative process, and art’s function in society?
Calling from Canada
Calling from Canada | The Audain Collection at Vancouver Art Gallery
Calling from Canada
Calling from Canada | The Audain Collection at Vancouver Art Gallery
An exhibition of works from Michael Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa’s private collection highlights rarely-seen treasures of British Columbian art.
No Preservatives: Conversations about Conservation
No Preservatives | Looking Back to Nigeria: The Center for Contemporary Art, Lagos [Part II]
No Preservatives: Conversations about Conservation
No Preservatives | Looking Back to Nigeria: The Center for Contemporary Art, Lagos [Part II]
In this five-part series, Richard McCoy looks back on his recent trip to Nigeria through the lens of artists working in the area.
Cairo in Context: Art and Change in the Middle East
Cairo in Context | Alluring Archives: On Memory, Omission, and Research in an Unstable Region
Cairo in Context: Art and Change in the Middle East
Cairo in Context | Alluring Archives: On Memory, Omission, and Research in an Unstable Region
Researchers working in the Middle East/North Africa region are challenged by a confusing bureaucracy, making access to archives and primary sources difficult.
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Talking with Janine Antoni and Getting Set for NAEA: Part One
Teaching with Contemporary Art
Talking with Janine Antoni and Getting Set for NAEA: Part One
This week’s column features a brand, new interview with Janine Antoni in advance of her upcoming keynote address and workshop at the National Art Education Association’s annual conference on March 1st here in New York City.
Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.
Centerfield | Fielding Practice Podcast #12
Center Field: Art in the Middle with Bad at Sports.
Centerfield | Fielding Practice Podcast #12
This month’s podcast looks at the demise of the Next/Art Chicago fair and reviews new exhibitions by photographer Laura Letinsky and painter Molly Zuckerman-Hartung.
Ink: Notes on the Contemporary Print
Ink | Contemplating Nicotine: Xu Bing’s “Tobacco Project”
Ink: Notes on the Contemporary Print
Ink | Contemplating Nicotine: Xu Bing’s “Tobacco Project”
Sarah Hanley looks at an exhibition of works by Xu Bing that explore the extensive, tangled relationship between human beings and tobacco.
Looking at Los Angeles
Looking at Los Angeles | Mike Kelley’s Elegance
Looking at Los Angeles
Looking at Los Angeles | Mike Kelley’s Elegance
Mike Kelley gained renown for his sprawling, mixed-media installations, but Catherine Wagley argues that Kelley’s oeuvre should also be remembered for its elegance.
Praxis Makes Perfect
Praxis Makes Perfect | Trial & Error: On Teaching with Beverly Fishman
Praxis Makes Perfect
Praxis Makes Perfect | Trial & Error: On Teaching with Beverly Fishman
How do artists sustain both a studio practice and a full-time teaching career? Beverly Fishman, Head of Painting at Cranbrook, shares some hard-won knowledge.